Local Authority & Local Authority Organisations, Liaison with/ Tuam Town Council, Fairgreen, Transfer to Boy Scouts, 1977 - 1995
Tuam Town Council, Fairgreen, Transfer to Boy Scouts : File of correspondence, generally between the Town Clerk, Co. Manager and Scouts Trustees, and their legal representatives relating to drafting of an agreement for the transfer of the site for a period of 99 years to the Boys Scouts, includes letter of 6th December 1985 between GCC's LAw Agent and the TCC Town Clerk stating that a lease of 1970 relates to a '...premises that were formerly known as the Scout Hall but is not the letting of the premsies presently known as the Scout's Den and occupied by the Scouts in Tuam', and a letter from the Law Agent to the Co. Secretary advisied that '...no lease has been executed of the premises' and that the '...lands now belong to Galway County Council so both Leases will have to be in the name of Galway County Council' (25 July 1994).