Galway County Council, Corporate Services (formerly Administration and General Purposes (GP))
Records relating to the administration and functions of the Corporate & Cultural Affairs (formerly General Purposes/ Administration) section of Galway County Council, which cover a broad range of work undertaken by the council; many of which were traditionally under the County Secretary (see also series / items listed under GC/CSO).
The range of duties and functions of the Section evolved over the years, but include for instance,
-issue of Higher Education Grants (until 2012) or earlier School Scholarships (for the latter see GC4/);
-issue of permits for casual trading, use of public lands, loud speakers, and flags and banners;
-provides secretariat to the Council, and manages civic events such as those relating to county / town twinnings;
-provision of cultural services and leisure amenities, such as libraries & archives, playgrounds & parks, heritage centres and art galleries and swimming pools;
-the management of Council land and the provision of civic offices (office accommodation);
-issue of the annual Register of Electors (see GC/CSO4/); and
-a range of other general (miscellaneous) services, such as the management of court houses, animal pounds, and coroners, and so on.
The Irish Office (Oifigeach Forbartha Gaeilge) and Partnership Facilitator operated under the Section, and also recruitment of staff and superannuation.