Galway County Council, County Secretary's Office / Drainage District, Annagh, Charging Orders
Annagh Drainage District (baronys of Kiltartan and Loughrea): copy of 1845 Charging Order and signed and sealed Charging Orders issued by the Commissioners of Public Works for 1927 and 1930, setting out (apportioning) maintenance rate and charge by each of the land holders listed in the Schedule; ' this Our certificate under Our Common Seal certify and declare that the proportion in which the lands drained and improved as in the said Award mentioned ....shall in future be annually charged towards the costs and expenses which may from time to time be incurred in or about the maintaining cleansing or keeping in repair the several watercourses sluices drains ditches cuts rivers lakes streams tunnels culverts banks accommodation bridges outlets weirs engines reservoirs embankments and other works which have been executed as in the said Award...' and that the lands drained and improved shall in 'future be annually charged with the payment of the said sum of £1,158.5s.6d and interest thereon...' (1930). Contains High Court of Justice stamp of 20 October 1930.
Note on file covers states 'expired May 1938'.
Townlands included Annagh, Ballycalahan, Ballylee, Ballynabucy, Cuilmore, Cloonbe, Cloon, Gortnaclassagh, Inchaboy North, Inslandore, Knockroe, Rakerin, Streamstown, Turramore, Turrabeg.