Galway Hospital, Board of Management, 1915-1918
Includes various inserted letters to the Board, such as from the Local Government Board (such as relating to staff appointments and salaries, see for example p.309) and letters of thanks on receipt of a vote of sympathy (such as p.285)
Also includes : Report of Medical Staff stating that it wishes again to ‘refer to the insufficient and unsatisfactory provision for the treatment of Surgical cases. There is only one surgical ward for the reception of Male Surgical cases (except the small 3 bed ward for which a special charge is made. There should be a Ward set apart for the reception of cases after operation into which ordinary surgical cases should not be admitted…’ (p89, 15 January 1916)
Correspondence from Professor Mahon ‘Asking the Board to install a telephone in the Hospital. It is a matter of the greatest urgency, and may mean life or death to a patient. (p153, 17 June 1916).
Report of the Lady Superintendent advising of the ‘very unsatisfactory state of the sanitary arrangements of the Hospital, we have to have the Plumber continually repairing defects. I would suggest your architect be asked to report specially on the matter’ (p223, 16 December 1916; see also p238)
Letter from Dr P. J. Corcoran, Ballycastle, Co. Mayo, ‘Applying for the position of House Surgeon in the Hospital, stating that he has already done duty in France in the firing line, …’ (p274)
Loose letter from the Local Government Board to the Hospital approving of the appointment of Dr P .J. Corcoran “for one year on the terms specified, namely, at a salary of £100 a year with rations (subject to the Food Controller’s allowances of bread, 4 lbs weekly, meat, 2½ lbs weekly and sugar, ½ lb weekly)…” (16 May 1917, p284).
‘The sympathy of the Board of Management was unanimously tendered to the Chairman [M McNeill] on the death of his nephew the late Lieutenant Mr McKeirnan (C.R.) who died from wounds received while on service in France’ (p425).