Galway Hospital, 1892-1922
TitleGalway Hospital, 1892-1922
RepositoryGalway County Council Archives Services
Date1892 - 1922
CreatorGalway Hospital
Production date 1892 - 1922
Scope and Content
This collection of archives consists of volumes of minutes of the Board of Management of the Galway Hospital (1892-1922), together with minutes of the Nursing and Dispensary Committees (1913-1922), a Financial Statement Book of Receipt (1918-1922), and a Receipts and Expenditure Ledger (1904-1920).
Extent13 items (12 bound volumes & 1 letter)
Physical descriptionBound volumes
Persons keywordGalway Hospital, Arthur Nicholas Whistler Colahan
Conditions governing accessAs much of the information in this collection clearly identifies families and individuals researchers are requested, in order to prevent possible distress or embarrassment to near descendants, to sign a disclosure form prior to consulting the records verifying a willingness not to cite specific names in research work.
Some elements of the collection may be closed for a period of time or have restricted access.
Readers are requested to respect such closures.
Available on microfilm by appointment, also available online
Some elements of the collection may be closed for a period of time or have restricted access.
Readers are requested to respect such closures.
Available on microfilm by appointment, also available online
Conditions governing reproductionNo material may be reproduced from this collection without the written permission of the archivist, and reproductions are subject to the conditions of access.
Digital referencesAvailable online at Access URL Here
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