Land & Property/ Disposal / Bishop's Palace, Tuam (management of property)
File of correspondence regarding the management of the property, such as letting the grazing of the lands (29 acres), sale of trees, repair of windows in Palaces (1956), letting of the Palace to various groups (e.g. Tuam Art Club 1955), employment of labourer as caretaker, transfer of plot of 2 sq perches 1- sq yards to Dr Thomas Costello in exchange of another plot of 1 sq perches and 26 sq yards etc.
-1956 - discussion regarding provision of car park at the Palace grounds
-1959 - correspondence, particularly with the Tuam Chamber of Commerce regarding the site of a swimming pool
-1965 - correspondence with the solicitors’ for the Presentation Nun (who purchased some of the Palace grounds previously) regarding placement of pipes & sewers, as they propose to build a new school with class rooms, refectory, recreation hall, domestic rooms, study hall and sacristy, on the lands
-1969 - propose to use lands for a sports centre & tennis courts
-1971 grant of £3,614 received from Dept of Local Government for tree planting etc
-1973/74 - further amenity granted received
-1970s - part of property set aside for miniature golf course
-1976 - problems with the trespass of children who gallop their horses on the property, causing extensive damage.
Also incudes
- Copy of Order Vesting Ecclesiastical Residence in Representative Church Body in consideration of sum of £838.11...8d (15/12/1876)-
- colour tinted drawing of 'Public Park' (1970/02/19), drawn by Patrick H Sheahen Partners, Limerick, together with estimate of probably costs (£33, 068.10.0d), Dec 1969.
- map showing new propsed road and carpark (n.d.)