Galway County Council / Finance / Estimate of Expenses, 1949
TeidealGalway County Council / Finance / Estimate of Expenses, 1949
StórGalway County Council Archives Services
Dáta táirgthe 1948 - 1949
Scóp agus Inneachar
Estimates issued in 1948 for financial year ending 31 March 1949.
The Manager's (C.I. O'Flynn) report advised that 'the total receipts from all grants will be equivalent to approximately 60% of the Council's revenue'.
The total estimated expenditure was £1,020,665 with Receipts at £385,050, and the rate in the £ in respect of county charges was to be 296 1/2.
Printed by Athlone Printing Works, Co. Ltd.
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