Local Authority & Local Authority Organisations, Liaison with/ Tuam Town Commissioners, Tolls, 1960-1963
Tuam Town Commissioners, Tolls: File of material relating to the collection of tolls in Tuam,
includes correspondence between the Tuam Town Clerk (Gerald O'Connor) to Tuam Town Manager, generally the Assistant County Manager (Tom O'Connor), regarding the schedule of tolls, statistics relating to the tolls, and with the Co. Galway Co-operative Livestock Marts and Tuam Co-operative Livestock Mart Ltd regarding an ongoing dispute relating to the payment of tolls on animals sold in the mart, and correspondence with other local authorities to ascertain the situation regarding payment of tolls by marts in their towns.
- a handwritten note gives background information on tolls in Tuam, stating that 'System of Tolls established in charter towns to provide a source of income out of which certain services could be provided. At that time there was no system of local taxation and municipal funds were dervived from rents of corporate property, various fees and tolls.
The fairs and markets in Tuam are paid for out of the receipts from Tolls. The Town Commissioners are the market authority....
If the Town Commissioners instead of having the fairs and markets paid for by charging tolls to those people who make use of the facilities provided, wish to transfer the cost to the town rate and have it met by the ratepayers of Tuam I have no objection...' (1961).