Galway Hospital, Financial Statement Book of Receipts, 1918-1922
Volume recording monthly details relating to receipts, under various pre-printed headings, such as date when lodged with Treasurer, from whom received (such as Admiralty, Galway Union, Local War, Pensions Committee), particulars and receipts, such as rent of field (f2), maintenance of patients, ‘for abdominal belt’ (f1), classification of receipt such as Unions, Patients and Other Receipts, which are in turn subdivided, for instance the latter has sub-headings for Casual Dressings, Surgical Appliances etc Supplies and Donations etc.
Each month’s entry includes the signed and dated Certificate of the Clerk of the Hospital verifying that the Statement is correct and that the various total amounts had been credited or debited to the proper account, and also includes a Certificate of Confirmation by the Board of Management certifying that the Statement had been represented to and confirmed by it.
Also includes some annotations (see for instance f47).