Galway Hospital, Nursing Committee Minutes, 1913-1922
Bound volume of manuscript minutes recording details of attendance and proceedings of monthly meetings of the Nursing Committee of Galway County Hospital relating to the appointment, management and discipline of the nursing and trainee nursing staff, also includes details relating to salaries and training fees, and annual and sick leave arrangements.
The minutes also include confirmation that the Head Nurse’s Diary and Gatekeeper's attendance book were produced, examined and approved by the Committee.
The minutes are dated and signed by the Chairman of Nursing Committing, and subsequently approved by the Chairman of the Board of Management.
Includes loose leaflet outlining the Rules and Regulations for the Training of Nurses and Rules of Probationers, which include
1. Probationers will be trained in Galway Hospital for three or four years, and during this time they must attend such lectures and classes and perform such nursing duties as may be arranged for them, including residence at such of the Galway Clinical Hospitals or (in the fourth year) service in Hospital, district, or private nursing, as may be appointed by the Nursing Committee. The residence shall always include at least six months’ course of training in the GALWAY or other Fever Hospital….
4. The Entrance Fee shall be £20 when candidates agree to serve for four years, or £30 when candidates undertake to serve for three years only…
6. Probationers will be provided with residence, board and washing, in the Hospital during their training or service…
10. Candidates when selected as Probationers will be obliged to give an undertaking to remain for three months in the Hospital, …
12. If, at the end of three months, the Candidate be finally accepted for training, she shall sign the engagement.’
Also includes:-
‘It was unanimously resolved to recommend the Board of Management to increase the salary of Miss Flynn, Head Nurse, as an inducement to her to stay on as Head Nurse, as her resigning that position would be a very serious loss to the Hospital. It being understood that she is about applying for the position of Matron in another Hospital’ (8 March 1913).
‘According to the Rule Nurse O’Shaughnessey was placed on the Staff, at rate of £15 a year for 1st six months from 1st October 1913’ (8 October 1913).
‘It was left in the hands of Professor Pye and Mr M Lydon, to draw up a resolution to be forwarded to the Galway Board of Guardians to reconsider their decision as to the admission of Probationers to the Union Hospital for further training’ (24 January 1914).
‘It was decided to advertise for three probationers, applications to be considered at next meeting...’ (19 September 1914)
‘Probationers Rita Kelly and Katie Kearns having passed their examination and obtained Certificates of Training, were placed on the staff…’ (21 November 1914).
‘Miss Flynn, Heard Nurse, having volunteer and been called on by the War Office, to make arrangements for the discharge of her duty
during her absence.
Miss Flynn was highly complemented on her action, and the Committee feel the loss her absence will be to the Hospital…
That Miss Flynn be allowed to go, her position to be kept open for her, and that she be allowed half salary during her absence.’ (9 June 1915)
‘A temporary Head Nurse to be advertised for at a salary at rate of £50 a year with apartments and rations….(26 January 1916).
‘The Nursing Committee having examined the attendance Book call the attention of the Board of Management that the Nurses are not wearing out-door Uniform in accordance with the rules’ (13 October 1917).
Correspondence from ‘Mr J Gallagher, who has been employed to write up the Books reporting of there being a debit balance on the Nursing fund of £157.4.2 and on suggestion of Treasurer a paying order was issued on the General Fund in February last for amount of this deficit, so that there is now no such thing as a Nursing Fund in existence. As there is no prospect of re-establishing this Fund in the immediate future, I would suggest that you ask the Board of Management to continue subject to L.G. Board approval, payment of the Nurses, and all other necessary expenses out of the General Fund for current Financial year. I Have examined your Finance Statement Book of receipts since November 1916 (the Book for period previous to that date could not be found) and I find that in some instance, no money was lodged in respect of [ ] for certain Nurses Training in the Hospital and in other cases only one instalment of £10 each is credited. In one instance where no money is credited, I am sure the full-fee was paid, as the Nurse concerned showed me her stamped and signed receipt for £20….’ (10 March 1920).
Letter from ‘Lady Superintendent requesting to have hour of breakfast of Patients, changed from 8 o’clock to 7 o’clock, in order to facilitate, the morning work’ (31 August 1921).