Loughrea Waterworks & Sewerage Committee, Minute Book (1926-1933)
Volume of minutes of proceedings of the Loughrea Waterworks (and Sewerage) Committee
- ‘…that the water rent chargeable to the Mount Carmel Convent be reduced to 10/- a year - the reduction to apply to the rents now under collection’ (21 January, 1927).
- ‘Submitted letter from District Engineer, Great Southern Railways inquiring whether the Committee could supply water for loc. and general purposes to the Loughrea Railway Station and if so, at what rate. The quantity required would be about 5,000 gallons daily….
The Committee decided to inform the Railway Co. that they are prepared to supply them with water at 9d per 1,000 gallon, the Company to pay all expenses of taking in the supply and providing and keeping in working order a suitable meter’ (25 March 1927, see also 22 April 1927, 19 August 1927, 23 September 1927).
- ‘As it has been reported to the Committee that persons requiring to connect their premises with the new sewers in Loughrea have been informed that they must first apply to the co. Surveyor for permission to open the road and as the County Surveyor has informed them that the application must be made to the Secretary of the County Council, the Committee suggest that it would be advisable for the County Council to give general authority either to the Board of Health or to this Committee authorising persons to pen the public road and do all other necessary work to enable them to connect their premises with the new sewer’ (22 April 1927).
- Report from Dr Ryan, Medical Officer of Health, to the County Board of Health, on the 14th inst. stating that the Rampants River is now a sewage bed with an offensive odour and is dangerous to health and recommending that the river be cleansed immediately to abate the nuisance’ (20 June 1927).
- ‘It was ordered that Mr Gilchrist (Clerk of Works) be instructed to prepare a specification and estimate for repairs to roof of engine house as ordered by the Board of Health, the galvanised iron roofing to be treated as recommended by the National Gas Engine Company’ (19 August 1927).
- ‘Read letter from Mr C. Donovan, Caretaker of Loughrea Waterworks, …stating that he is working under great difficulty in trying to keep up the required pressure of water in the mains especially in Barrack Street while racing a defect in the main due, probably to a split in the main caused by the steam rolling of the street, that he is getting a sounder from Athenry to assist him in locating the leakage, and requesting the Committee to assist him by providing labour’ (7 October 1927).
- ‘That in the opinion of the Committee, the completion of the Loughrea Sewerage Scheme is a matter of urgent importance to the public health of the Town and district and we again urge upon the Board of Health the desirability and necessity for completing it without further delay either by Contract or direct labour’ (23 April 1928).
- ‘Mr Charles Donovan (Caretaker) reported …that owing to shortage of coal he is unable to use the gas engines to pump water to the reservoir and he is obliged to depend upon the turbines to maintain a supply to the town…’(15 February 1929).
- Letter from the Local Government Department advising the Government are ‘prepared to give a grant of £1,000 towards the cost of extension of the sewerage system in Cross Street, Galway Road, and Athenry Road on condition that the Board of Health make arrangements without delay to invite competitive tenders for the carrying out of the work and that the men employed thereon be engaged through the Employment Exchange… '(17 September 1932).