Loughrea Waterworks & Sewerage Committee Minutes
Two volumes of minutes of proceedings of the Loughrea Waterworks (and Sewerage) Committee (reporting to Board of Health / Galway County Council) , recording attendance, details of correspondence, such as from Galway County Council and also from various consumers and water rent payers, and details of actions required thereafter, together with proceedings of Council business relating to the provision, management, administration, and maintenance of water and sewerage works in the town of Loughrea. Such business included dealing with applications for connection to the schemes - such as from occupiers of private dwellings, and from various organisations and institutions, such as the Convent of Mercy, the Railway Station, and County home - also the administration of the fixing and collection of water rent, the cleaning of the reservoir, the repair and maintenance of pumps, the purchase of equipment, such as hydrants, the chlorinating of the water supply, sewer connections to the new scheme, and the appointment and supervision of caretakers to the works. Much of the proceedings between 1913 to 1928 deal with the protracted and complex process of seeing to fruition the provision of the Loughrea Sewerage and Sewage Disposal scheme. The scheme encountered several suspensions, initially due to the lack of finance and labour during World War I, followed by a dispute with the Contractor, Fleming Bros., and later by termination of the subsequent contract with Patrick Dillon as a result of the slow progress of the work.
The minutes also generally incorporate details of reports from various Officials, such as the Water Inspector, Sanitary Officers and Water Rent Collectors and Sewerage Caretaker.
The minutes, handwritten up to mid-1928 thereafter typewritten, were generally signed by the Secretary and often prior to 1925 by the Chairman of the Loughrea Rural District Council, and from then on by the Committee Chairman.