Galway Hospital, Board of Management Minutes, 1892-1898
‘That we request the Local Government Board to permit the overdraft of £300 incurred on account of permanent buildings to be repaid by 3 annual instalments with interest at the current bank rate, as this arrangement is absolutely necessary in order to place the financial system by the Hospital on a sound basis’ (2 March 1895).
Includes details of the nursing staff’s diet (April 1895).
‘Tenders were sent in from Messrs. McDonald and Semple for erecting a flushing tank at the back of the Doctors’ House. Mr McDonald’s tender was accepted’ (September 1895).
‘Tenders for meat and bread were considered, Mr Gallagher’ tender for meat at 6d per lb was accepted and Mr Burke’s tender for bread at 4d per 4lb loaf was accepted’ (December 1895).
‘A letter from Dr Nixon informing the Board of Management that the term of his office as Resident medical Officer, had expired and that he did not seek reappointment was read’ (May 1896).
‘…The Board Room to be removed to the Doctors’ Residence and the present Boardroom to be fitted up for a Storeroom and Larder, and that the plans and specification be submitted to a meeting of the Board’ (September 1896).
‘The Medical staff reported that the space between Surgeons House and Hospital has been cleared of sheds, old walls and trees. The wards have been cleaned, ceilings whitened, floors varnished. No. 5 ward has been painted, No.7 wainscoted and in the male surgical ward the Dado has had to be repaired’ (October 1897).
‘The Clerk was ordered to write to Mr Cloherty, Solicitor to the Board, and get list of names of persons owning money to the Hospital sent to him for collection, with remarks thereon whether recoverable or otherwise and what steps have been taken to recover same’ (January 1898).
‘Dr MCKevey thanked the Board for having appointed him House surgeon and reported the roof of Pharmacy leaking and the closet in Doctors House and one in the Hospital building area frequently without waters….’ (31 July 1989).