Galway Co.Co./ Environment/ Fire Prevention / Fire Stations / Galway Fire Station, 1979-1989
Galway Fire Station: File of correspondence relating to the provision of an extension, and loan for cost of same, at the Station, in particular internal correspondence between the Co. Manager, Co.
Secretary and Chief Fire Officer (CFO), also with Jeffers, Kearns & Associations, Architects, also includes correspondence referring proposal for new Station on the east side of city. Includes quotations for portacabins (1980); copy internal memo from the County Engineer (Ruane) to County Secretary indicated ‘With the expansion of the city and its traffic it is essential that a positive decision be taken to provide a second station on the East side and a site acquired’ (4 May 1981); copy memo from Co. Secretary to CFO instructing him to ask the Architect ‘to prepare without delay Contract documents of the provision of operation bay at the Fire Station. The other proposal for office accommodation should now be dropped completely’ and also requests ‘as a matter of urgency, [to] proceed with the selection of a suitable site for a new fire station in the Eastern Environs of the city and for this purpose you might contact Galway Corporation, engineering Section, for information on land which is owned by the Corporation in the area...’ (20 Aug 1981); correspondence relating to invitations to tender for the extension to the Appliance Room, with Scully Contracting Ltd recommended for the project, with the lowest tender of £32,038.64 (26 May 1983); form of tender from Scully Contracting co. Ltd., (16 May 1983) and Contract Guarantee Bond; and minutes of site meetings (1983-1984).
Also includes drawing of proposed doors and toilet facilities.