Galway Poor Law Union, Board of Guardians Minutes, 1890-1891
-Pledge of support for Charles S Parnell and the Irish Parliamentary Party (p12).
-‘Oranmore Dispensary and residence still defective (p46b, see also p72, see also GPL6/91, p322b and p358).
-‘A female infant about 3 months old was found outside the Workhouse gate at 9.40 O’clock on last night.
Ordered to be baptised a Roman Catholic and named Mary Little’ (p61).
-‘Suitable clothing to be provided for the four children Mahony previous to their leaving the Workhouse and going to their grandfather in Tralee’ (p165).
-Tenders for supply of seed potatoes for distribution in the Union accepted (p166, see also pp193-194).
-‘The attention of the District Inspector of Police to be called to the case of Mary Corcoran, aged 17 years, who was admitted to the Workhouse on the 18th ultimo a short time previously having giving birth to an illegitimate child and who died from exhaustion on the 21st ultimo, as it has been alleged she met with harsh treatment outside before giving birth to the child’ (p217).
-Sarah Quinn inmate ‘declines to go as she states there is no provision made for her family outside’ (p269).
‘Delia Ashe and child John Ashe, numbers 1270 and 1271, admitted on the 25th ultimo and registered as Protestants now wish to be registered as Roman Catholics’ (p347).
-‘…remains of an old woman named Mary Francis were brough from Menlo to the Galway Cemetery on the 6th inst. That when the funeral reached the Cemetery at about 5.30 pm the Superintendent was not in attendance and a woman in charge of the Cemetery at the time, would not allow the interment to take place in the absence of the Superintendent…’(p594, see also p620).