County Secretary's Office / Piers & Harbours / Cleggan Pier, Repairs
-Letter from the Office of Public Works to Galway County Council regarding damage to the pier, stating ‘that the repairs to the sea wall of this structure are now in progress, and I am to suggest that the present time would be the most favourable in which to undertake the repairs to the wharf wall, as the men and materials are on the ground’ (1905/10/10).
- Letter from OPW to Galway County Council advising it is their duty under statute to ‘bring to the notice of your Council all cases in which Marine Works, constructed under the Sea Fisheries Acts and vested in your Council, stand in need of repair;…whose neglect is likely to lead to heavily increased charges upon County funds. All these conditions are present in the case of Cleggan Harbour..’ (1907-09-17).
- Letter from OPW to Galway County Council advising that the ‘total cost of the necessary repairs is estimated at £350. Having regard to the previous delays in carrying out these works the Board have reported the matter to the Irish Government and have received the authority of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty’s Treasury…to undertake the repairs, the cost of which would of course be charged against the County Council’ (1908-05-20).
- Drawing of Cleggan Harbour showing position of repairs to sea side of pier, and location of undercutting at Pier wharf not yet repaired.
- OPW advised ‘their Engineer has made an inspection of the work executed by the Galway County Council, and they are advised that the repairs though not of a permanent character may under favourable circumstances answer their purpose for some time to come’ (1908-07-10).
- Further ‘breach in the foundation concrete’ of the pier reported (1919-02-23), repairs to be carried out by Martin & Co. Contractors, Cleggan at cost of £20 (1910-03-02).
- Colour tinted drawing of Cleggan Harbour showing position where ‘urgent repairs required’. Scale 80ft to 1” (1910).