Galway Co. Co. / Co. Secretary's Office / A Guide to Irish Local Government (1989) and The Law Relating to Local Government in Ireland (1905) (Printed Matter)
Published material relating to local government, includes
'A Guide to Irish Local Government, comprising on account of the Law Relating to the Local Government of Counties, Cities, and Districts with a full explanation of the Act of 1898.
Compiled by John Muldoon and Geroge McSweeny, Barristers-at-Law.
Printed by Eason & Son, Ltd.
Includes chapters on 'Constitution of County Councils', 'Powers and Duties of Rural Councils', 'The Cities and Towns', 'Officers', 'Finance' and 'Powers and Duties of the County Councils', with sub-headings under Public Works, Lunatic Asylum, and General Powers.
'The Law Relating to Local Government in Ireland: being the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, and other statues affecting county and district councils; together with Orders, Rules etc, made hereunder; edited, with notes of Decisions, Tables of Cases and Statues and an Index, by George T B Vanstona. Vol 11, Dublin, E Ponsonby, 116 Grafton Street, 1905.
Includes dated 12 Feb 1923, and signature of W G Fogarty on front end page (Co. Secretary).
Includes the provisions of more tha 170 statues, extending from 1765-1906, as indicated in theh Preface the 'The general scope of the work is to inlcude in Part III all statues realting to county and district councils (other than those affecting district councils in their capacity of sanitary authority) ' (iii).
Statutues include for instances, Abandoment of Railways Act, 1850 ; Ancient Monuments Protection (Ireland) Act 1892; Bridges (Ireland) Act 1867; County Infirmaries (Ireland) Act, 1805; Dogs Act (1871; Industrial Schools (Ireland) Act, 1885. Labourers (Ireland) Act 1885; Militia (Ireland) Act, 1854; Poor Relief (Ireland) Act, 1849; Public Libraries (Ireland) Act 1902 ; Representation of the People Act, 1884; Sale of Gas Act, 1859; Tramways (Ireland) Amendent Act, 1871; Union Officers (Ireland) Act 1872;