Claddagh and Newcastle Road Swing Bridges, 1938
Claddagh and Newcastle Road Swing Bridges: File of contract documents relating to the reconstruction of the two swivel bridges over the Eglinton Canal in Galway city. Includes tender from Sir William Arrol & Co., Ltd. (Glasgow) submitted to ‘Galway and Mayo County Councils’, in the sum of £8,550.10.11, together with drawings (6) for the bridges. Includes specification prepared by Nicholas O’Dwyer, Consulting Engineer, Dublin (April 1938), and printed Form of Agreement and General Conditions of Contract for the Reconstruction of Opening Bridges, Eglinton Canal, Galway, signed by representatives from Arrol & Co., and with a date stamp from the Department of Local Government (May 1938).
The six drawings, bound together, include plan of bearing, plan of swivel gear platform, cross section of rear-end girder, site plan (scale 1/8” - 1ft), elevation of inner girder, elevation of out girder, plan of bottom flange, section through roadway over canal arm, and plan of steel works.