Galway Port Sanitary Authority, Minutes 1902-1948
Bound volume containing the handwritten minutes of the proceedings of the Authority’ meetings, generally
held sporadically, initially every two months, later often quarterly, and by the late 1920s often just twice a year. Each entry includes the date, attendance, business transacted and details on some correspondence, many of the entries consist of quotes or summaries of letters received, generally from the Local Government Board. Proceedings relation to the management of the Intercepting Hospital (Isolation) (established in c. 1892) on a two-acre site at Renmore Point, the annual estimates of expenses and from the 1930s includes details of the number of vessels inspected for the purpose of preventing the spread of infectious diseases.
Also includes, at the reverse of the volume, a copy of Provisional Order 1902 under which the Authority was established, together with various newspaper clippings containing public notices and /or advertisements issued by the Authority.
John M. Leech was elected Clerk to the Board at its first meeting on 10 December 1902.
-The LGB agreement ‘to the roadstead (as suggested by the Customs Authorities) being the place where vessels would be boarded and examined by the Port Medical Officer of Health’ (7 April 1906, p27).
-‘The Clerk reported that the old Hospital building at Renmore Point was completely destroyed by fire on the 2nd inst.’ (October 1907, p43).
-Minutes relating to the transfer from the Galway Union hospital, and admission to and care in the Intercepting Hospital of several patients suffering from beri-beri (Feb-Jun 1911).
-‘A Letter was read from the Local Government Board on the subject of co-operation between Civil and Military sanitary authorities in Ireland to prevent any outbreak or spread of infectious disease during the war’ (7 Nov 1914).
-‘The Clerk reported that the Intercepting Hospital was commandeered by the Military Authorities on the 22nd December and vacated on the 26th January 1921 and again taken over on the 7th February and handed over on 5th March’ (31 March 1922).
-‘A letter was read from Capt Heneghan MO Troops, Renmore stating the GOC Galway area had requested him to obtain the use of the Intercepting Hospital for the purpose of treating soldiers as from 26th inst.’ (24 Feb 1923).
-‘This Board understands the same responsibility rests on ship Masters arriving at the Port of Galway as at other ports to report to the Customs Authorities if a case of infectious disease is on board or suspected. If the Department of Local Government are of opinion that every incoming ship should be examined this Board will consider what they can do to meet the necessity’ (29 Nov 1928).
-‘Report of Sanitary Sub-officer T Cantwell that he had inspected ten ships from July to December 1930, and the destruction of a Parrott under the Importation of Parrots Order (Temporary Regulations) 1930’ (31 March 1931).
-‘The Chairman suggested that having regard to the fact that the Isolation Hospital has not been required for many years past, it would be well to consider if the Hospital could be discontinued and that the opinion of the Minister be asked, and pending his reply the appointment of Port Medical Officer be made for a period of six months’ (9 Nov 1933).
-In a meeting presided over by Cllr Margaret Ashe, ‘The meeting considered the Co. Manager’s proposal to assign the lease of the Isolation Hospital to Trustees of the Galway Yacht (Club), subject to the following provisions...’ (21 Jun 1947).
-‘The Lease of two acres of land at Renmore Point on which the Isolation Hospital is built granted by the Governors of Erasmus Smith Schools to the Galway Port Sanitary Authority for 40 years as from 1st Nov, 1946, at £5 per year, payable half-yearly on 1st May and 1st Nov. was read by the Co. Manager, and signed on behalf of the Authority by Cllr M.A. Ashe, Cllr J. Redington and the County Manager’ (30 Mar 1949).
Caretaker at the Intercepting Hospital
Dolan, William1902- 1914(retired due to failing eyesight)
Carroll, John 1914 - 1918
Carroll, Mrs Mary1918 - 1948(John’s wife, as he sought work elsewhere)
Port Medical Officer of Health(part-time non-pensionable position)
Sandys, William1903 - 1948
Port Sanitary Sub-Officer
Cantwell, Thomas1929 - 1948