Galway Co. Co. / Co. Secretary's Office / Administration/ Transatlantic Port Committee (1923)
Transatlantic Port: File of correspondence and press cuttings regarding the establishment of the Committee ‘to take into consideration the present position of the question of Transatlantic communication with Ireland, and to take such steps as they may think fit to press the claims of Galway as offering the best Irish Terminal for a rapid Irish-American Service for Passengers and Mails’ (Galway County Council Minute No. 1670, 3 Feb 1923).
Includes letter from Fogarty (Secretary) to Dr Walsh (Merville, Taylors Hill) advising that Sir John P Griffith ‘is “all out” for Galway, but a proposal has, I understand, come from over seas favouring Derry. This proposal has, I hear, been referred to the Reconstruction Committee (of which Sir John P Griffith is Chairman).
If he is for Galway it is for Galway to strengthen his hands as much as possible…’ (29 Mar 1923). Also includes a letter from M F Keogh, General Manager, Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland to Fogarty advising him to avoid ‘…any commitment to a particular site or other details. I can conceive legitimate differences of opinion as to how the Scheme should be carried out, and, to my mind, what is essential is to secure the sympathetic interest of the Government in a Galway Port Scheme, and not in a particular one’ (14 May 1923).