Tuam Town Commissioners, Minutes, 1963 - 1968
-‘Application of the Stadium Committee for the land for Stadium extension at St Endas Avenue. Particulars of an application of the Stadium committee for portion of the land held by the Board at St. Enda’s Ave and used as a children’s play ground were given and the Clerk was directed to invite the Stadium committee requesting particular of its proposal and an assurance that the rights of the Children to playing in the plot of land would not be interfered with’ (7 Jan 1964, see also 4 Feb 1964).
-‘Commissioners O’Brien suggested the introduction of Tenant Purchase Schemes for the new houses in the Palace and for isolated Co. Council cottages…’ (3 Mar 1964).
-‘That in view of the urgency of the provision of houses in the Palace, of a swimming pool, of the new Clinic and of the development of sites for private housing in the Palace Grounds, that a meeting with the Assistance county Manager be arranged within the next week’ (7 Jul 1964).
-‘It should be recommended to the C o. Council that a purchase scheme should at once be framed for the new houses under construction at St. Joseph’s Park, which tenants on appointed would avail of’ (1 Jun 1965).
-‘Arising out of the Minutes, the Asst. Co. Manager stated that , in connection with the proposed folk museum, the co. Librarian had examined the collection which Mr D. J. Murphy proposed to donate and found it to be extensive, but that the Librarian’s official report was not yet to hand…’ (7 Sept 1965, see also 7 Dec 1965, 2 Aug 1966, 8 Apr 1968, 3 Dec 1968).
-‘Bi-Centenary Celebrations of 1916 Rising: The Chairman referred to the fact that these celebrations would be held this year and requested suggestions as to any initiative which should be taken by the Commissioners...’ (7 Sept 1965, see also 5 Apr 1966).
-Discussions and details relating to the Irish Municipal Authorities Association Conference to be held in Tuam in September (19 Apr 1966).
-‘Housing of Itinerants: Commissioner Coghlan referred to the fact that itinerants housed by the Commissioners were confined in one part of one Scheme and stated he felt they should be more widely dispersed for proper integration into the settled community. The Chairman (O’Brien) also elaborated this point, but Commissioner O’Connor stated that he felt one could go too far in this regard and that consideration should be given to the wishes of other residents in areas where the housing of itinerants was proposed…’ (7 Mar 1967).