Tuam Town Commissioners, Minutes, 1875 - 1891
-‘A lease of thirty five years at £60 per annum, a five year clause of surrender and should the Commissioners give up or surrender before full term of Lease, Mr Concannon to get as compensation for erection of gates and all other changes made on said and in connect with said Far Green, the sum of twenty five pounds…’ (2 Aug 1875, see also 6 Sept 1875, see also 20 Apr 1877).
-‘That the (Board of) Guardians be requested to provide a new burial ground for Tuam’ (6 Sept 1875).
-Patrick Bird’s tender in the sum of £770 for Tolls & Customs was accepted (20 Sept 1878).
-Election of Commissioners, some members who ‘retire by rotation but who are eligible for re-election’ (11 Oct 1878).
-‘The subject of waterworks being introduced it was proposed by Richard Kelly Esq. and seconded by Michael Shine Esq. that an application be made to the Board of Works for a sum not exceeding £7,000 for Waterworks…’ (5 Feb 1880).
-‘Attention having been drawn to the late fire which occurred in Tuam, by which was demolished one of the Mercy Convent buildings, a discussion ensured after which Mr Kelly handed in the following Notice of Motion:
Take note that at next monthly meeting, I will move that this Board will subscribe towards getting Fire Engine and appliances for the public use’ (6 Dec 1880, see also 8 Apr 1881, 2 May 1881).
-‘Mr Townsend, C.E., would have on Tuesday 9th inst. plan and specification of proposed Clock Tower prepared and ready for inspection of the Board’ (1 Aug 1881, see also 3 Oct 1881, 5Dec 1881).
-‘That this Board express its strongest condemnation of the Landlord Manifesto so hostile to the interests of Irish tenantry, above all the expression of cruel, cool and heartless purpose contained therein of dooming to exile with all its sad consequences the body of Irish farmers, and replacing them by aliens in race and religion, unless forsooth the intended victims submit again to the exploded tyranny of rack-renting…’ (3 Jul 1882, see also 7 Aug 1882, 7 May 1883).
-‘That we congratulate Edward Dwyer Gray Esq., M.P., the intrepid High Sheriff of Dublin, and proprietor of the Freeman’s Journal, upon his unconditional release from Richmond prison…’ (2 Oct 1882).
-Letter from the LGB acknowledging receipt of a letter from the Commissioners ‘requesting the Board to take the necessary steps to constitute the Town Commissioners the Urban Sanitary Authority for the Town of Tuam… the LGB will cause the necessary advertisements to be published in the local newspapers’ (2 Jun 1884, see also 5 Sept 1884 20 Feb 1885).
-Tenders for a town clock were discussed, with the tender of Edward Brady in the sum of £95 for the supply and erection of the Clock accepted (1 Dec 1884). It was subsequently decide to withdraw Brady’s tender has his clock was of ‘English manufacture which the Board would not accept’. Instead the Board accepted the tender of Mr Chancellor (2 Feb 1885).
-‘It was agreed that an iron fire-proof safe be procured for the Board’s books (1 Dec 1884).
-‘That small sign Boards be posted up at corners the different streets of the town designating the names of such streets…’ (1 Jun 1885).
-Letter from the Board to the Sanitary Authorities, ‘Attention having been called at the meeting of my Board on Monday last to the outbreak of typhoid fever in this Town I was directed to request that you would bring under the notice of your Sanitary Board tomorrow, the necessity of cleansing the river from the Curragh factory to the Mill point at the Bridge in Shop Street, which part of the river is at present in a condition dangerous to the public health’ (13 Jun 1887).
-Transcript of Address presented to Home Rule Liberal Deputation (11 Sept 1889).