Portumna National School (N.S.), School Administrtion File (various material), 1875-1932
File of material, such as circulars, memoranda and documentation relating to the administration of the school. Includes for instances circulars regarding the ‘classification of paid monitors and programmes of examination’ (1875 & 1881); a letter from the office of National Education, Dublin to Rev John Healy, Coadjutor Bishop of Clonfert, Palmerston House, Portumna regarding the Alternative Scheme for the VI Girls Class (1891); details of marks awarded to named pupils in various classes for prizes to be awarded by the Manager to the boys who distinguish themselves in attention to study, regularity of attendance, personal tidiness, good conduct and politeness (1905-06). Includes annotation ‘I saw Denis O’Brien and Michael Murtagh smoking cigarettes through the streets on 2ndJune (Sunday)' (Aug 1905); and a timetable for the boys NS (completed in Irish, 1932).