Tuam Poor Law Union, Board of Guardian Minutes, 1851 - 1852
-‘The Medical Officer called the attention of the Board to the crowded state of the Workhouse, the number in which exceeded the accommodation of 500, and suggested that the Auxiliary workhouse at the Galway Road should be opened at once, by which means they would be relieved of 500 and that if the Glenamaddy paupers were reduced to the 1/16 of the accommodation as per the Reservation Order, they would also give some room.
The Master was directed to remove the School Master and school boys to the Galway Road auxiliary as soon as possible, and the Clerk was directed to write to the Clerk of the Glenamaddy Board of Guardians notifying the fact of there being more inmates in the Workhouse belonging to that Union than the numbers allowed by the Reservation Order.’ (7 May 1851).
-RO advised ‘man had been found dead on the lands of Cuilbeg in the ED of Levally....who it appeared was proceeding to the Tuam Workhouse for admission by an Order from Michael [Wynne], RO for Glenmaddy Union’ (7 May 1851, p9).
-‘That the PLC be informed that the extent of Tuam workhouse accommodation is 3,184, of which the Glenamaddy Union is entitled to 192. That on Saturday last the number in the Tuam workhouse was 3,006, of which 255 were from Glenamaddy.
The Guardians under these circumstances must most strongly protest against the proposed increase of the Reservation Order, the effect of which would be completed to fill up the Workhouse accommodation which there is strong reason to believe will not be sufficient for their own Union...’ (14 May 1851, p9).
-John Faraher charged to Rye Hill ED be transferred to Ballynapark or other relevant ED (14 May 1851, p11).
-Patrick Dowling be changed from Doonbally to Tuam ED (14 May 1851, p11).
-RO received 5 notices of eviction for the townland of Milltown, the property of Water Lawrence (21 May 1851, p9)
-RO received 2 eviction notices from Thomas Miller, agent to W. F. Austin, on property in Teerboy (21 May 1851, p9).
-Chargeability of Honor Greally changed from Abbey West to Tuam ED (21 May 1851, p11).
-Chargeability of Michael Moran be altered from Belclare to Tuam ED (4 June 1851, 9).
-Michael Cahill found dead in his own house in the townland of Aillie (p146).
-Chargeability of Catherine Cooke and one child amended (p148).
-Chargeability of Ellen Gormely discussed (p176).
-Change of religion for inmate Bridget Roache (p203).
-Details of rate to be charged in each ED (p205).
-‘The Master reported that on the 25th inst a man named William Mannion was forwarded to the Workhouse for admission, from the ClareTuam ED by Mr Canavan, RO. On Mannion being presented at the gate he was found to be dead’ (p214, see also p243).
-Girl, Bridget Walsh, inmate of the Barrack auxiliary workhouse died suddenly (p242).
-Details regarding the appointment of several rate collectors (pp269-270, & p288)
-Chargeability of Margaret Burke and her family discussed (p314).
-Details of workhouse diet (p353).
-Case of two ‘deaf and dumb’ girls, Cath Glynn and Mary Cannon discussed (p356).
-‘Resolved that twenty of the pauper inmates be employed henceforth in cleansing the streets of the Town of Tuam under the Superintendent of the Bailiff of the Town Commissioners’ (p357, see also p369 & p401).
-Report of the Committee appointed to enquire into the general management of the workhouse included, ‘The Committee cannot separate without stating their opinion that the general condition of the Establishment indicates a want of efficiency and energy in the Officers and that unless a marked improvement takes place in the general order, regularity, cleanliness, and discipline of the house a change will become necessary in the whole establishment’ (p359).
-William Collerane, Headford, admitted to workhouse in ‘dying state’, and lived about one hour (p423).
-Mary Mannion, inmate, with 3 children, changed religion (p423, see also p438 & pp 440-3).
-‘Resolved that it is the opinion of this Board that the operation of the Medical Charities Act shall commence from the date on which each financial year terminates in each District and that the Local Dispensary Committees be requested to examine the accounts and report to the Board on the state of the funds, and particular date on which their Financial year terminates’ (p426).
-William Golding inmate (p522).
-Boy, Denis Griffin, absconded (p550).