Clifden Poor Law Union, Rough Minute Book, 1892 - 1893
-Master reports that ‘Anne Fox aged 28 years married with four children were brought to the workhouse in the ambulance car on the 4th inst. She presented an order for admission from Relieving Officer Canavan. This woman states she is a native of the County of Donegal and wife of a stone mason, working at Cashel who has deserted herself and children’
Ordered: that Francis Fox, the husband, be prosecuted’ (p27).
-‘I have had the honour to lay before the Queen the loyal and dutiful Resolution which has been adopted by the Board of Guardians of Clifden Union on the occasion of the death of his Royal Highness The Duke of Clarence and Avondale K.G and I have to inform you that Her Majesty was pleased to receive the Resolution very graciously.
I have the honour to be Sirs,
Your obedient servant
Henry Mathews’ (p49).