Clifden Poor Law Union, Minute Book, 1915-1916
-Letter from the Master, M. Lavelle, to the BG, advising ‘Having offered my services to the defence of our Country during the War, which the War Office have accepted, granting me a Commission, I trust you will allow me the necessary leave, and I beg to recommend to you Mr John Lydon of Streamstown as my substitute. He will undertake to discharge the duties for a salary at the rate of £50 a year with rations’ (p6).
-‘Read circular letter received from the War Office, dated 8th Sept 1915, requesting to be informed to what extent it has been possible to release eligible men from the Establishment to join His Majesty’s Forces since the LGB Cir Letter No. 55/M/1915 dated 16th April last.
The only officer who applied was the workhouse master who was released on the 5/7/1915. (p145).
-‘Resolved: That, subject to the sanction of the LGB, the Clifden No. 2 Dispensary District be amalgamated with the Clifden No. 1 D.D. and that the fixed salaries attached to the latter district viz £170 for the office of M.O. and £10 as Medical [Examiner] of Health be added to Dr Casey’s salary as M.O. of the combined districts. Dr Casey to contribute a sum of £30 annually for the upkeep of a nurse on the island of Inishbofin whom the Guardians propose to appoint at a salary of £20 a year’ (p338, see also p378, with notice of motion to rescind, & p399, p419, p438).
-Boarding out of Joseph Baker, aged 14 months (p405, see also p487).
-‘Resolved: That we condemn the misguided action of those responsible for the recent rebellion in Ireland and that we tender to Mr Redmond and his Party our confidence’ (p425, see also p505).
-‘That a scheme of amalgamation of the PL Unions and workhouses of the county is required, provided it be properly carried out and is a saving to the ratepayers, due attention being paid to the efficient administration of the Medical Charities Act in any scheme of amalgamation’ (p466).