Galway County Council, Finance Committee Minutes, 1926 - 1929
Volume of handwritten minutes of the Finance Committee meetings, generally held weekly, includes details of attendance, details of payments made and comments and orders, (up to 9 June 1928 generally written in red ink), on issues relating to the management of the Council's finance, such as relating to insurance policies, road works and road grants, pier works, courthouse and bridge repairs, road workers' wages, housing loans, and collection of rates. Generally signed by the Chairman. Also includes detached index to many items discussed.
Includes for instance:
- '3484 - Finance : Bank balance today £34,850.19.1 Dr. Sanctioned overdraft £60,000 to 30/09/1926' (p1).
- '3512 - National Road Scheme Allocation. Submitted letter from the Roads Department and Co. Surveyor's reply.
Order: - Reply to Minister as follows:- The Committee had before them your letter of 17th inst to Mr Kennedy, Co. Surveyor, commenting on his report dated July 31st last to the Co. Council in reference to the allocation of County Galway of the National Road Grant. The Finance Committee cannot agree with the statement contained in the following sentence "You are not entitled to suggest to the Co. Council that they are unfairly or inequitably treated in the matter of allocations from the Road Funds". If Mr Kennedy had failed to bring forward the facts and make the suggestions contained in his report the Finance Committee would consider him wanting in the proper discharge of his duties to the Co. Council whose official he is. With reference to the last paragraph of the Ministry's letter to Mr Kennedy the Finance Committee would be glad to be informed what statements and assumptions in the report are based on wrong information and are erroneous. The Committee are satisfied that the statements contained in the report are based on facts and the assumptions are reasonable deductions from the facts...' (p6).
- 3517 - Industrial School : Committal of M___. L___, native of county Galway and at present resident in Dublin to Industrial School.
Done: Notice of application received on 23rd Sept from Chief Clerk, District Court of Justice, Dublin.
Case heard in Dublin on 24th September.
Notice sent to Co. Solicitor on 23rd to safeguard the interests of the Council.
Order: Action approved' (p8).
- '3541 - Housing Loans: details of approved loads (p14).
- '3783 Piers & Harbours ....Spiddal Pier: Read County Surveyor's Report (858) on further damage to this pier estimated to cost £1,600. Read report of Gaeltacht meeting re this pier....'(p67).
- '3888 - Sheep Dipping:
Heard Mr Little.
Committee decided to report and recommend (1) That any person in the County who puts up an approved swim bath may be approved an Authorised Sheep Dipper and licenced for that purpose.
(2) Authorised Sheep Dippers to be licensed by the Council and entitled to charge 2d per head for sheep dipped in their baths. Dippers to supply dip which must be an approved dip on the Dept's list of Irish manufacturers...' (9 April 1927, p99).
- ' 391 Ballinasloe Urban Roads:
Submitted Mr Lee's letter 2405 of 21st inst enclosing correspondence from LGD.
Order: The Finance Committee consider Mr Courtney's report inaccurate and reckless and think his removal from the County would tender to more harmonious and efficient working. The Committee have every confidence in their Co. Surveyor Mr Lee....' (p106).
- '4784 The Chairman proposed. Councillor Corbett Seconded:
That we the Finance Committee of Galway County Council have learned with regret that Colonel O'Malley Keyes, Master of the Galway Blazers is obliged to leave Ireland in consequences of a demand for income tax made by the Inland Revenue authorities on his income from foreign securities.
We regard Colonel O'Malley Keyes' Mastership as a valuable asset to the County and to the Farmers and local traders, and we request that the Revenue authorities will interpret the Income Tax Laws and Regulations as favourably as possible to him in the hope that he may be induced to retain the Mastership of the hounds...' (p248).
- ' 5204 Portumna Union Building: Read letter received from Mr M Donohoe caretaker station that at the request of Monsignor Joyce he allowed [ ] teachers and pupils to occupy portion of the building pending repairs to the Technical school recently burned down' (p330).
- '5294: Read letter from Caretaker, Portumna Workhouse, stating that the Building has been vacated by the Technical School staff' (p348).
- '5302: Read Ministry's letter.....intimating the allocation of £1,000 toward the widening of road at Salthill (with an additional contribution from the Co. Council. The County Surveyor estimates cost at £1,58.90' (p349).
- '5303: 'That the members of Finance Committee of Galway County Council deeply deplores the early demise of Dr. Michael Davitt (son of Michael Davitt, founder of the Land League) and tender to his widow, child and all other members of the family sincere sympathy in their sad bereavement' (p350).
- '5513: That press be excluded from all meetings of GCC Finance Committee unless a guarantee be given that a fair and true report of the business transacted at meeting be recorded' (p389).