Galway County Council, Finance Committee Minutes, 1924 - 1926
Volume of handwritten minutes of the Finance Committee meetings, generally held weekly, includes details of attendance and of payments made such as for sheep dipping, insurance, road works, pier works, courthouse and bridge repairs (see for instance p16 & p56), road workers wages, Carnegie Library (p21). Generally signed by the Chairman.
Also includes index to many items discussed.
Includes for instance:
- '1515 - Headford Courthouse: Referred to C.C.m [County Council minute] 2179 County Surveyors Report.
Order: Committee recommend Council to purchase at £100' (p43)
- 1655 regarding Housing (Building Facilities) Act 1924, and policy on the administration of loans (see also p76)
- 1713 - Portumna workhouse, damage to lighting (p72)
- 1728 - Courthouses Loughrea: Damage by Military. Mr Lee's claim £82.10.0 ....' (p77)
- '1732 - Central Hospital Loan £9000
Submitted Mortgage.
Order: To be sealed at County Council meeting' (p75)
- '1881 Co. Hospital. Mr J G Browne applies for sale of the Hospital. No order' (p96, 8 November 1924)
- Includes letter dated 1st September 1925 from the Acting Secretary, Galway County Council to Each Poor Rate Collection advising that 'The Banking account of the County Council is overdrawn to such an extent, that the Treasurer has refused to make any more payments until the overdraft is considerably reduced.
Paying Orders for wages to Road Workers and other payments are all held up at the present moment.
As this financial state of affairs is principally due to the backward state of the Rate Collection, I am to request you to do all in your power to have a substantial sum placed to the credit of the Council in the National Bank, Galway, before mid-day on Friday the 4th inst....' (p238)
- '2719 Abolition of Rural District Council.....' (p256)
- Includes printed copy of General Estimate of Rates for financial year ending 31st March 1927 (p329).
- '3056 Rates on Islands: Submitted a file and read correspondence with LGD, Dept of Justice and Sheriff re boat for which arrangements were stated to have been made. Letters from Collectors ...' (pp337-338)
- '3148 - Islands of Inishboffin and Inishark (Distress)
Order: That Finance Committee earnestly recommend the L.G.D to use their good offices to secure a relief grant for these distressed islanders' (p354).
- '3467 Prospect Hill Hospital (Referred to C.C.m. 3107)
Read application of Patrician Brothers
Secretary reports
1. That the ground floor to left of entrance hall is required for library.
2. That two rooms to right of entrance hall on ground floor is require for Committee of Agriculture....
Order: Ascertain of Ministry would consent to temporary use of top floor and rooms on second floor not required for County purposes and if the existing sanitary accommodation would suit a school and bring up again.
Fianna Fail and Sinn Fein Clubs ask for rooms.
No order (p424, 21 August 1926).