Galway County Council, Water Services/ Water Supplies & Extensions /Special Water Supplies, 1950 - 1955
General file with correspondence, primarily between the County Secretary, County Engineer and Area Engineers, and reports regarding various water supply schemes, in particular pertaining to Special Council Meetings on the topic, Councillors Notices of Motion for extensions and repairs to water works, includes Councillors Proposals (c.1951) and Priority List of Water Supply Schemes, position in January 1951; Waiting Lists of Pumps to be provided as at January August 1951 detailing the nearest supply in miles, population and date recommended; details of waterworks schemes completed since 1945 (including at Woodford, Carraroe, Loughrea Improvement, Ballygary, Eyrecourt and others), and schemes underway and proposed; and copy correspondence regarding extensions and schemes, such as at Lettermullen (1952-03-11), Moycullen Waterworks (1952-03-10), and 'The sum of £22,000 has been approved of by the Co. Council for extension to 13 water supplies and the erection of two fountains....' (1952-07-10),