Loughrea Town Commissioners, Minutes, 1936 - 1941
- ‘Read letter from Mr T Ryan, Toll Keeper, stating that he was agreeable to have a new fair established in July for the sale of pigs, cattle and sheep and that he would have the Fair advertised in due course’ (p11).
- The Acting County Medical Officer of Health pointed out that Dr Quinlan reported that ‘the Bridewell premises are unfit for human habitation and that action be taken by the Board to have this “slum closed”. The report also stated that “certain houses in the Brewery yard should be immediately closed” (p26).
- ‘That we, the Loughrea Town Commissioners, respectfully beg His Holiness Pope Pius XI, to satisfy the most urgent desire of the Irish people by adding to the list of canonised saints the name of Blessed Oliver Plunkett, who suffered martyrdom for the faith, we also beg to express our pleasure at His Holiness, the Pope’s remarkable recovery from His serious illness’ (p32).
- ‘…that unless the Committee of the Loughrea Town Hall are prepared to conclude their programmes with the playing of the ‘National anthem’ Mr M O’Regan, Co.Co. be requested to oppose the application for the renewal of annual Licence’ (p66).
- Report from the Rent and Rate Collector advising that ‘six tenants in Abbey Terrance still refuse to pay increase of rent.
Town Rates - not satisfactory - refusal by some to pay arrears, but are willing to pay 1937-1938. As the Finance year is coming to a close and I do not expect to have all Rates collected within the month what is to be done? Considering that I did not receive books until 15th November 1937, also the ratepayers refused to pay me until 1938’ (p117). - ‘The Chairman (Mr M O’Regan) proposing a vote of congratulations to Dr Douglas Hyde on his selection as president of Ireland, stated that he hoped the appointment would lead to the goal they all had in view, the Unity of Ireland’ (p141).
- Letter from the Superintendent of an Garda Siochanna to the Council regarding the obstructions caused to vehicular passage on the streets of the town on fair days, ‘when there is a very suitable Fair Green for this purpose’ (p148).
- ‘Mr Michael Sweeney, Main Street and the Irish American Oil Co. submitted applications for petrol Licence for year ending 31st December 1939, which were granted’ (p214).
- ‘The Board further discussed the question of assignment and memorial regarding the Eel Fishery, when it was decided on Mr Ward’s proposition, seconded by Mr Corry to request the County Council to adjourn the matter for another month, in the meantime the Board to communicate with the Department of Fisheries, with a view to obtaining expert advice from the Board of Conservators, as to the best mans of preserving Fish in the Loughrea Lake’ (p217).
- ‘Read letter from Mr Munroe, Agent for Earl of Harewood, addressed to Collector McNamee, stating that he does not think he should be asked to pay rates seeing that Mr Shields, Sol., is negotiating for the sale of the holdings in Loughrea’ (p226).
- Letter from the County Medical Officer of Health, Dr O’Beirne, stating ‘that it would be a great addition to the town to have the Town Park converted into a proper Show Grounds and Sport’s Field. The letter also stated that the Board of Health have approved a proper sewerage scheme for Cosmona’ (p256).
- ‘Submitted lengthy correspondence from the Dept of Defence, Galway County Council, and the Electricity Supply Board referring to Air Raid precautions and the “Emergency Powers (Control of Lights) Under 1939” and to street lighting control necessitated by the Minister’s Order dated 16th October 1939’ (p262).
- ‘That we, the Loughrea Town Commissioners, on our own behalf, and on behalf of the people of Loughrea, hereby call on the British Home Secretary to annul the death sentences passed upon James MacCormack and Peter Barnes’.
The execution of these two Irishmen in an English jail “would not alone be unjust but would embitter indefinitely the amicable feelings between our two nations”’ (p280).
TitleLoughrea Town Commissioners, Minutes, 1936 - 1941
RepositoryGalway County Council Archives Services
Date2nd November 1936 – 7 April 1941
Production date 1936-11-02 - 1941-04-07
Scope and Content
Volumes of minutes of proceedings of the Commissioners, includes resolutions such as:-
Persons keyword Loughrea Town Commissioners
Conditions governing accessAvailable on microfilm by appointment and online. Unrestricted access. The material in this collection is available to all bona fide researchers by appointment only, and subject to the conditions of access governing the consultation of archival material at Galway County Council Archives.
Conditions governing reproductionNo material may be reproduced from this collection without the written permission of the archivist, and reproductions are subject to the conditions of access.
Digital referencesAvailable online at Access URL Here