Glenamaddy Poor Law Union, Board of Guardian Minutes, 1894-1895
‘Mr Thomas Morgan, R.O. reported to the Board that he visited the boy ______ who was taken out to serve by_____ ______ of Island and states that he is looking healthy and clean and has no complaints to make about his treatment and the Boy stated that he will remain at service as long as he is kept’ (11).
‘…. The Local Government Board desire to state that they will allow Miss Lavin [Schoolmistress] to remain in charge until the next examination and if she fails to attend or to pass such examination she must be prepared to resign her position’ (p151).
‘…resolve that we consider that the occupiers of land in all the E. Divisions of this Union are generally unable through poverty and the extent of the failure of the potato crop to procure an adequate supply of seed potatoes and that we shall at a meeting to beheld on this day fortnight apply to the Local Government Board for Ireland for a loan to purchase Seed Potatoes for the use of the said E. Division…’ (p152).
‘…advertise for a properly qualified midwife for the Glenamaddy Dispensary District at a Salary of £24 a year’ (p178).
Master’s report to the Board advising, ‘That the Provisions received during the week were of good quality. Milk returned 11 degrees of cream. Mr Davison has sent in 6 cwt of straw during the week which was much required’ (229).
‘That the Sanitary Sub-Officer having served notices on owners of houses in the townland of Esker, where at present there is an outbreak of Scarlatina, to whitewash their dwellings inside and outside. No attention having been paid to said notices, and recommending that they be ordered by the Board to, at once, comply with the recommendation of the Sanitary Officers’ (p259).
‘That the Government be asked to grant much needed relief works in this Union, such as drainage and making of new roads, or repairing old ones as much distress prevails, and if some employment is not given to the people, the Guardians are confident that they will severely suffer through dire distress, and that the immediate attention of the Government be called to the matter, and requesting that the part of the Union not already Schedule as distressed be schedules as such..’ (p291).
Letter from the Local Government Board relating to the chargeability of the ‘cost of relief afforded to two illegitimate children born in the Workhouse and the Board desire to state that the Mothers of these children is the only parent known to the Law, and they having been relieved at the same time as the person liable to maintain them, the Board consider that they should now be charged to the same E. Division as their mother’ (p431).