Galway County Council, Corporate Services: Bogs Ledger /Turf Suspense & General Accounts
Bogs Ledger (volume) recording various items of expenditure incurred in working on various bogs. Details recorded under headings such as date, certified, labour total amount (£s.d.), Material Total, Sundries, Gross Total of Paysheet, Amount spent to date, Name of Ganger.
Volume also used for various other purposes, recording expenditure on various schemes / projects such as:
- Derelict Site (pp184-202) - generally for the Tuam area
- Engineer's Salaries on Road Survey (p181)
- Drainage Schemes (pp161- 180))
- Sheep Baths
- General Account, Office of Assistant County Surveyor Gort
- National Monuments e.g repairs to Lydica Castle, Ardrahan (Nov 1847-Mar 1948)
- Courthouses
- Health Insurance deductible for Temporary Assistant County Surveyors
- Piers & Harbours (p148)
- Bridges (p150)
- Weight bridges (p151)
- County Buildings (p152)
- Office General
- Pounds (p156)
- Fire Bridages (p160).
Details recorded under headings such as, date, certified, labour total amount (£s.d.), Material Total, Sundries, Gross Total of Paysheet, Amount spent to date, Name of Ganger.