Gort Rural District Council: Minute Book, 1912-1913
- That we…hereby earnestly request the Department of Agriculture to at once press for the removal of the embargo by which the cattle trade of this county is at present crippled, and secure facilities for the free export of cattle from all unaffected areas should be present grave and unfortunate condition of affairs be allowed to continue, the result which is sure to follow threatens to be the most disastrous ever experienced by the Irish farmers’ (p92).
- ‘The Council request the Engineer to increase his estimate for drainage at Kinvara, as no tender has been received. We also request he will provide for the continuance of the piping so as to carry off sewerage from the point near Johnston’s garden to Pound Gate’ (p103).
- ‘That we …respectfully request the County Council to at once take steps to remedy the disgraceful condition of the main road from Ballyturngate Lodge to Kilbeacanty Chapel, as it is of so much importance, as 200 people travel it on every Sunday morning to Mass, and at present it is quite impossible to travel over same, and all the ratepayers in general are complaining of its present disgraceful condition…’(p146).
- ‘That we,…desire to express our horror of the harsh and unjust sentence passed on the young Clareman (Arkins), 7 years penal servitude for damage done to 7 yards of stone wall.
That we are of opinion that in no other county in the civilized world would such a sentence be awarded for such an offence, and we call upon the Irish Party to demand the repeal of this iniquitous act, and we desire to associate ourselves with those who are at present working for his release’(p236, see also p272).
- ‘Letter from the Local Government Board … stating it is necessary for the Council to fix a scale of fees for burials in the new Burial Ground at Shanaghish, and to determine the division of the Burial Ground into parts for the burial of members of any particular religious denomination….’(p264).