Gort Poor Law Union: Minute Book, 8 June 1844 - 5 July 1845
- Many of the paupers having entered the Boardroom, and complained that the constant use of molasses has caused a bowel complaint amongst them. And enquiry having been made of the Medical Officer, who stated that it would be well to try a change of milk for a month’ (p114).
- Medical Officer reported ‘there is no change of linen for the female patients in Hospital, and consequently what they wear are in a most filthy and ragged state, one pauper mentioned she had not changed her chemise for two months.
2nly The paupers in the wash house refuse to wash the linen of the patients in fever and the medical officer thinks very properly that there should be some provision made for this purpose’ (p159, see also p174, p186).
- Resolution regarding the 41st Article of Poor Law Commissioners [appointing paid Guardians] stating ‘That deeming it consistent with reason and justice, that these who have the appointment and payment of their Officers, should alone exercise control over then. We consider the power claimed in the 41st article of the General regulations of the Commissioners both arbitrary and oppressive…strongly protest against the assumption of such arbitrary power by the Commissioners, as being calculated to render the Poor Law (already unpopular) still more odious and detestable to the people of Ireland…’ (pp258-259).
- ‘The Medical Officer having laid before the Board the result of his Inspection of the Inmates (reported to have been infected with vermin) and suggested that a number of Racks and combs be provided for each ward, and the appointment of a pauper Inmate for each ward, to act as superintendent and to see that the inmates comb their heads, and clean their persons every morning, and also that a change of linen be supplied to the paupers twice a week’ (p481).