Galway County Council, Minute Book, 1932-1942
Includes index to main items discussed.
Sample of entries include:
- ‘That the speed limit for all motor vehicles passing through the Town of Galway be fixed so as not to exceed seven miles per hour’ (p32).
- ‘That County Council sanction the raising of a loan of £40,000 by the County Board of Health for the purchase of sites and erection of one hundred cottages ; the purchase of sites and erection of one hundred cottages …’(p36).
- ‘A letter was read from the Galway Chamber of Commerce requesting the Council to nominate two members too accompany a delegation from the Harbour, Urban Council and the Chamber of Commerce to put before the President of the executive Council and the Minister for Industry and Commerce the claims of Galway as a suitable place for the establishment of an Air Port…’ (p220).
- ‘That authority be given to the Board of Health to dispose of Pump House, Old Mill and Eel Fishery in Loughrea, by sale. Passed’ (p258).
- ‘That Galway Harbour Commissioners have learned with deep regret and disappointment that the Government of Saorstat Eireann has felt itself obliged by the terms of the North Atlantic Air Agreement entered into with the Governments of Great Britain, Canada and the United States to refuse the request of the German Government of October 10th to permit the Lufthansa Flying Boats engaged on experimental flights between Canada and Germany to refuel in Galway Bay. All preparations had been completed for this flight which would have given Galway the place to which its geographic position entitles it on the air map of the world as the natural gateway between Europe and America ; and it is felt that this ban will tend to impede the progress that the Western Harbour has made in recent years and is still making in establishing itself as an Atlantic Port of Call…’ (p282).
- ‘…the Council adopted a resolution congratulating Dr Douglas Hyde and the Gaelic League on the election of Dr Douglas Hyde to the Presidency of Eire’ (p386).
- ‘That we, the members of the Galway County Council pledge our support to the Council of Irish National Unity in its effort to secure the termination of the partition of our country’ (p470).
- ‘Submitted application from Mr S. J. Maguire, Secretary and Librarian of the County Libraries Committee for permission to serve with the Regular Army for the duration of the war.
…”That Mr Maguire be granted permission to serve with the regular army for the duration of the war and that he be paid his existing salary as Secretary to the County Libraries Committee less his army pay and allowances…”’ (p492).