Galway County Council, Minute Book, 1943-1952
Includes index to main resolutions and topics covered.
Sample of entries include:
- ‘That a loan of £2,050 be raised for the completion of the Waterworks Scheme at Clifden, that the Loan be obtained from the Commissioners of Public Works at the rate of interest obtaining at the time of issue of instalments of loan, which will be repaid on the instalment system without a period of 25 years’ (p90).
- ‘That a loan of £3,300 be raised for the purpose of provision of a new Reservoir and cost of Chlorinating plant at Loughrea…’(p10).
- ‘Read Resolution from the Longford County Council asking the Council to draw the attention of the Government to the fact that several foreigners, mainly Jews, have succeeded in changing their names to names of Irish origin and to protest against the practice being permitted to continue in the interest of the community’ (p10).
- ‘That the County Manager be authorised to procure suitable sites for the Fire Stations at Tuam and Loughrea, and to have the necessary Plans, Specifications, etc. prepared for the constructions of the Fire Stations’ (p20).
- ‘That the County Council authorise the raising of a loan of £15,800 for the improvement of the Tuam Water supply….’(p32).
- ‘Resolved : That, subject to the approval of the Minister for Local Government, the Council approves of the raising of a loan of £10,450 from the Commissioners of Public Works for the provision of sewerage scheme at Headford….’(p141).
- ‘The Galway Port Sanitary Authority (Abolition) Order 1948 was submitted.
Secretary reported that the Port Sanitary Authority would cease to function on 31/3/’48, and after that date the Galway County Council and Clare County Council would be responsible for Port health work in their own districts’ (p186).
- ‘Resolved That the Department of Local Government be informed that it is the Council’s opinion that candidates for posts should be allowed additional marks in respect of service in the old I.R.A. on the same basis as additional marks are allowed for service in the Defence Forces and Auxiliary Defence Services during the Emergency’ (p189).
- ‘That in view of the recent statement by the Minister for Health that there was no change in the condition of County Homes since 1947, the County Manager inform the Council of (1) the present diet scale in the County Home, Loughrea, (2) the number of meals per day served to inmates; (3) whether it is a fact that soup is served three times a day; and (4) the type of bedding provided for inmates…
The County Manager gave particulars of the diet, accommodation, bedding, etc….
It was unanimously agreed that conditions in the Home have improved very considerably during the past twenty years, and are, in fact, quite satisfactory’ (p207).
- ‘Resolved That the Council approve an expenditure of £1,000 for extension of water main from Galway Borough boundary on the Taylor’s Hill road to Knocknacarra Junction’ (p208).
- ‘Sale of Site for Ballinasloe District Hospital….Resolved That the Council approve the sale of a plot of land in the townland of Garbally Demesne, Ballinasloe - area, 4 acres, 2 roods, or thereabouts, statute measure - to the Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood (Authorities of the Portiuncula Hospital, Ballinasloe) for the sum of £789.5s.0d., plus Cost of Conveyance of the land to the purchasers’ (p211).
- ‘Art Gallery, Museum, Etc The County Manager explained that a building at Galway known as “Mayoralty House" is offered b y the owner, Mr H. Hannon, to the Council at a rent of £250 a year, plus rates, the lease to e for a period of ten years, and the lessee to be also responsible for repairs.
After discussion, it was unanimously decided that the offer be refused and that no action be taken in regard too the renting of these premises’ (p218).
- ‘Resolved That the Council hereby approve the raising of a loan of £10,000 from the Commissioners of Public Works so that this amount may be
advanced by the Council to the Tuam Town Commissioners for the erection of houses in the Tuam Town Commissioner’s area’ (p238).
- Committee meeting held to consider the offer of Toghermore House, Tuam it was resolved ‘That this Committee recommend to the Council, in regard to the offer of Toghermore House by Senator Burke, that the Council withdraw from the matter in favour of a Rehabilitation Committee and that, subject to the approval of the Minister for Local Government, the Council agree to make a grant of £500 towards the cost of equipping Toghermore House for use as a Rehabilitation centre…’(p251).
- ‘Resolved that Council hereby approve the sale of Kilcornan house and lands, area 128 acres 3 roods 19 perches, or thereabouts, statute measure, too the Brothers of Charity, Belmont Park, Waterford, for the sum of £5,500, plus costs of conveyance of the property to the purchasers’ (p253).
- ‘That the Council hereby approve the raising of a loan of £50,000 from the Commissioners of Public Works for erection of labourer’s cottages in the Galway County Health District…’ (p255).
- ‘That the Council hereby approve the raising of a loan of £19, 800 from the Commissioners of Public Works to enable the Council make advances up to this amount to the Loughrea Town Commissioners for provision of housing scheme by the Commissioners, for slum clearance area…’(p263).
- ‘That the Council approve thee provision of £480 for restoration of the town walls at Athenry’ (p278).
- ‘County Manager stated that the existing diving tower having become unsuitable, is dismantled and it is intended to erect a new diving tower at an estimated cost of £6,000… (p290).
- ‘Co. Manager explained that because of insufficient accommodation the Co. Libraries Staff were finding it very difficult to run both a Co. Library headquarters and a City Library in the one Building. The owner of the property near the old jail site was prepared to sell the site which would be ideal for a City Library and could incorporate amongst other things a Museum, Art Gallery, and Municipal Offices…As a temporary expedient he (Clr. King) suggested that the Co. Library Headquarters to be transferred to the Co. Buildings on completion of the new extension pending the building of a permanent structure…’(p331).
- ‘That the Council hereby approve the raising of a loan of £6,150 from the Commissioners of Public Works, for provision of a fire station at Loughrea …’ (p339).