Clifden Rural District Council: Minute Book, 1916-1919
Matters and topics discussed included,
- ‘That we place on record our appreciation of the action of the Government in seeking to have as much of the available grass lands in town and county throughout Ireland brought into cultivation during the coming spring so as to provide an adequate supply of food stuffs during the trying time that lie ahead as a result of the present great war crises…’ (p55).
- Report from D. Casey, Medical Superintendent Officer of Health for year ended 31 December 1916 advised that ‘the large number of cases of consumption or tubercular disease the chief cause of which due to wretched housing, overcrowding, want of ventilation, damp earthen floors with swampy surroundings, byering of cattle in dwellings, and the absence of isolation of consumptives from the younger members of their own families. And again recommending the opening of the two top wards of the fever hospital for isolation of advanced and hopeless cases etc’ (p191).
On foot of such report it was resolved ‘That the scheme be approved of provided the Sanatorium Committee contribute s13/ per head weekly for each case treated, an estimate for carrying out the necessary repairs and alterations to be made by Mr Emerson (engineer) towards which the Council request the Sanatorium Committee will give a grant’ (p191).
- ‘That all roads in the Rural District of Clifden bee declared suitable to be maintained by Direct Labour under charge of the County Surveyor. That the Surveyor be instructed to prepare a scheme to be considered at next Quarterly meeting’ (p321).
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