Portumna Rural District Council: Minute Book, 1903-1904
Matters and issues discussed include:-
- ‘Letter from Mr John Claffey, Portumna dated 27th March 1903 stating that during the recent rain fall all the houses in the part of the town as well as the yards were flooded owing to want of a proper outlet, the only one at present being to let it out on the public street, which being higher than the yards the flow is stopped in consequence…’(p107).
- ‘Resolved that the Labourers get possession of their Cottage plots for the purpose of enabling them to put down a crop without further delay, and who will be required to sign a caretakers agreement therefor at 1d per week and until the cottages are built and without waiting for the agreements to be received from Mr Golding, the Council’s Solicitor, who is to be again applied to for them, ….’ (p125).
- ‘Letter from the L.G. Board no. 19,625 dated 9th April 1903 desiring to refer the Council to their letter of 5th December last on the subject of areas for sanitary charges, and stating in reply to the Council’s resolution of 28th ult. That they are prepared to fix the area of charge for Expenses for sewerage works in Portumna on the old area of charge on the townlands of Attygara, Fairyhill, Portumna, Portumna Demesne, Gouril, and Gortnacloghy and enclosing form of descriptive list of particulars as to the work referred to,…’ (p139).
- ‘Resolved that We the Members of the Portumna Rural District Council desire to bring under the notice of Galway County Council the scarcity of labour in and around the towns of this District and with a view of improving the unhappy lot of the labourers of these town, we wish to point out that there is no employment whatever, and now desiring to bring the matter before the County Council, we earnestly request them to consider the matter as other Co. Councils have done viz to give direct labour on roads within 1 mile of the towns in the District as they fall out of contract as this would materially reduce the burden on the rates by out-door relief and the shelter of the Workhouse’ (p161-162).
- ‘Resolved that we congratulate the Irish Party on their successful efforts at the National Convention and in the House of Commons to effect a satisfactory solution of the Irish Land Question, …’ (p162)
- ‘Proposed by ….resolved that we the District Council of Portumna respectfully beg to call the attention of the Pivie and Iveagh syndicate to the suitability of Portumna as a depot for their motor cars in connection with the transport scheme now in contemplation. Portumna is the centre on the Shannon for Tynagh, Killimore, Abbey, Newbridge, Ballycrissan which includes a large grain, wool and poultry district, and for Lorrha, Rathcabbin, Eglish, Carrigahoarig, Terryglass in north Tipperary the largest grain district in Ireland.…’(p232).
- ‘Circular letter from the L.G. Board No. 116 dated 6th October 1903 subject “Tuberculosis” (consumption) and stating that in view of the high death rate from this disease, they desire to re-issue their circular letter of 16th September 1901, on the subject which they forward together with further copies of posters and leaflets etc…’(p331).