Portumna Rural District Council: Minute Book, 1900-1901
Matters and issues discussed include
'Resolution of the Nenagh Rural District Council to the effect that as the prosperty and welfare of the Country depends to a great extinct, on the Tenant Farmers becoming owners of the soil and with the view of promoting this laudable object that the Council communicate with the various owners of property in that Rural District and request them to state whether they would be willing to sell to their tenants under the Land Purchase acts and is of on what terms..' (p87)
Report from County Surveyor, J Smith, stating that 'There are several roads in the District that are not been kept in good order during the past quarter, and I have therefore recommended some payments to be struck off and a good many to be deferred - the prosecutions against defaulting contractors will be heard during the ensuing Quarters Sessions'. (p95).
'Resolution of the Gort Rural District Council desiring to place or record its strongest condemnation of the cowardly and treacherous conduct of the voters of Galway Borough who while professing Nationalist sympathies proved by their conduct at the late election by handing over the Representation of the Borough to an avowed enemy of the National cause and who were always trading under false pretences, are unworthy of the name of Nationalist having been read its adoption was proposed by Mr Morrissy seconded by Mr Hogan and carried…'(p191-120).
'Letter from Mr Smith Architect, Ballinasloe dated 9th January 1901 desiring to forward original drawing; specificataion and Estimate for Labourers Cottages, also new plan and specification approved of by the L.G. Board as per their letter of 18th ult, cop of which he enclosed and stating that it will be observed that he has followed as far as possible the remarks and pencil alternations, shown on original drawing, at the same time incorporating the requirements of the L.G. Board, as stated in their letter of 26th last. He also enclosed two new plans, specifications and Estimates' (p189).
'Letter from Mr T R Gill, Secretary, Irish Agricultural Dept. were read as follows….19th March 1901, stating that application should be made to the Co. Council with a view of having Portumna included amongst the centres in the Couty at which it may be decided to have a series of lectures delivered on agricultural and technical subjects, and stating that that Dept. are willing to make a contribution towards the expenses of any lectures of this nature which may be arranged for by the Council.' (p263)
Report from Sanitary Officer stating that 'some of the lodging house Keepers in Portumna and Eyrecourt have not their houses registered, nor the proper notice Boards exhibited, as required by the Public Health Act, and some of them keep lodgers in their houses which are totally unfit for the purpose…' (p299)