Ballinasloe Poor Law Union: Minute Book of Board of Guardians, 1845
Volume recording details of attendance and proceedings of weekly meetings relating to the maintenance, administration and financing of the workhouse, distribution of out-door relief, and the care of workhouse inmates relating to their accommodation and employment, and to medical, pastoral, educational, and dietary needs. Minutes [after 1845 ] include details on the number of persons accommodated in the workhouse, and the number receiving outdoor relief ; confirmation that various reports, financial and other records, such as the Workhouse Register, Provision Check Accounts, Out-door Relief Lists, Medical Officers’ books and reports of the Visiting Committee, the workhouse Master and other Officers’ were produced, examined and approved together with details of required action relating to the information provided therein, and details of all monies received or paid, and all orders and cheques given, such as those required for the supply of food and clothing; details of rates collected, arrears, and declared irrecoverably in each electoral division ; also includes details of orders and letters received from or written to the Poor Law Commissioners and others, and details of subsequent resolutions passed and instructions issued authorising required action; details of the master’s report and resolutions adopted to address any issues raised therein ; and from 1854 provision is included for minutes of the proceedings of the Board under the Medical Charities Acts and Nuisances Removal and Disease Prevention Acts, and subsequently under Public Health Acts ; from 1874 the proceedings of the Board as the Sanitary Authority are recorded ; and from 1893 the proceedings of the Board of Guardians acting as the Rural Sanitary Authority under the Labourers (Ireland) Acts are included.
The minutes are generally dated, and signed by the Clerk of the Union, the Chairman and two other Guardians.
- 'Letter from the Poor Law Commissioners….accompanying the Working Drawings and Specification of the Fever Ward, and stating that Mr Wilkinson will be at Ballinasloe in about a fortnight and will be happy to take the opportunity of arranging with the Guardians as to the position of the proposed building' (p54).
- 'An applicatoin having been made by Mr Rigney for permission to attend and be present in the Board Room for the purpose of reporting the Proceedings for "The Galway Vindicator", MR Rigney having been sent for by the Board was informed by the Chairman that although no member of the Board could object to its proceedings being placed failry and impartially before the Public, still he wished to point out to Mr Rigney the 14th Article of the General Order of the Poor Law Commissioners for regulating the meetings of Boards of Guardians which having been read by Mr Rigney, he retired' (p92).
- 'The Master's Journal and Punishment Book were submitted to the Board, by the latter it appeared that Nancy Lyons, Honor Morgan and Catherine Raftery were deprived of milk for two days for having refused to work' (p116).
- 'The following tenders for the erection of the Fever Hospital being under consideration viz
J H [Lansle] £950
Anthony Clarke £925
Michael Kelly £990
Edward [Page] £962
It has Resolved that Anthony Clarke's tender be accepted, and that he be called upon to name two Securities for the approval of the Board' (20 August 1845, p200).
NOTE: Part of (19-26 February 1859) what should be G00/05/21 has been repaired and bound into this volume.