Ballinasloe Poor Law Union: Minute Book of Board of Guardians, 1920-1921
Volume recording details of attendance and proceedings of weekly meetings relating to the maintenance, administration and financing of the workhouse, distribution of out-door relief, and the care of workhouse inmates relating to their accommodation and employment, and to medical, pastoral, educational, and dietary needs. Minutes include details on the number of persons accommodated in the workhouse, and the number receiving outdoor relief ; confirmation that various reports, financial and other records, such as the Workhouse Register, Provision Check Accounts, Out-door Relief Lists, Medical Officers’ books and reports of the Visiting Committee, the workhouse Master and other Officers’ were produced, examined and approved together with details of required action relating to the information provided therein, and details of all monies received or paid, and all orders and cheques given, such as those required for the supply of food and clothing; details of rates collected, arrears, and declared irrecoverably in each electoral division ; also includes details of orders and letters received from or written to the Poor Law Commissioners and others, and details of subsequent resolutions passed and instructions issued authorising required action; details of the master’s report and resolutions adopted to address any issues raised therein ; and from 1854 provision is included for minutes of the proceedings of the Board under the Medical Charities Acts and Nuisances Removal and Disease Prevention Acts, and subsequently under Public Health Acts ; from 1874 the proceedings of the Board as the Sanitary Authority are recorded ; and from 1893 the proceedings of the Board of Guardians acting as the Rural Sanitary Authority under the Labourers (Ireland) Acts are included.
The minutes are generally dated, and signed by the Clerk of the Union, the Chairman. Includes an index to main resolutions passed and subjects discussed.
- 'Read a letter from Dail Eireann dated August, 1920 on the subject of Conciliation Boards was on the motion of Mr Connolly, Seconded by Mr Croughwell unanimously adopted' (p15).
- 'Arising out of the reading of the Minutes of last Meeting, the Clerk stated that the Guardians Minutes of the 21st August, 1920 had not been transmitted to the Local Government Board, owing to the fact of a Special Meeting of the Republican Members of the Board being specially convened by the direction of Dail Eireann to meet on the 24th August 1920 when at that Meeting it was unanimously decided to cut off all communication with the Local Government Board, and that all correspondence etc, be forwarded to An Dail Eireann, and having regard to such stops being taken he tendered his resignation as Clerk of the Union at said Meeting, and this being the first Meeting of the Board of Guardians since that special Meeting, he (the Clerk) now ratified his action of that date' (p39).
- 'Letter from Dail Eireann Department of Labour on the subject of finding labour for all Members of the R.I.C . Who have discarded the Uniform of the Army of Occupation was unanimously adopted, and the Clerk was directed to ascertain any man who has left the Force and bring the matter up for consideration with a view of finding him suitable employment' (p41).
- Master's Reports included 'That as the Military Occupation of the Men's dide (sic / side) of the House ssems likely to take place immediately, and as in relation to this matter the Board has declined to give me instructions I have made such preparations as I have deemed necessary. These preparations necessitated the employment of a Mason for the past week' (p65).
- ' Resolved /- That the Bank of Ireland be disposed of the Teasurership of the Ballinasloe Union, and that the Agent be requested to publich (sic) in the Press tha they are no longer Treasurers to the Guardians of the Ballinasloe Union' (p67)
- ' Ordered/- That the Clerk send the Portumna Officers Remuneration Claim to the Miliary Authorities to pay the amount of the remuneration paid to the Portumna Officials consquent of the Ballinsaloe Inmates being transferred to that Institution owing to Miliary Occupation of the Ballinalsoe Workhouse' (p67).
- Master's Report 'That at 4 pm on Saturday the 25th ultimo I received notification (herewith) that theoccupation of one side of the House by Military would taken place at 10 am on the following Monday.
To transfer our furniture, beds, bedding etc, to the other side and to make all necessary separations between us and the Miliary Quarters and between Male and Female on the side we retian, I was obligded to procure on Sunday the 26th ultimo at the rate of double time the services of three men and two Carpenters in addition to our own help …..A permanent separation now exists at all points between Military Quarters and those of the Inmates…..This was the best arrangement I could make under the circumstances and within time left to us. Under it the inmates are comfortable but the situation presents some features which I cannot recommend as satisfactory, such as the following :- There is no seperation of children from Adults. Unmarried Mothers and their children have to sleep in the same division as the old women though not on the same floor…..The men's side of the House was vacated by the Inmates on the night of Sunday 26th ultimo, and occupied by Troops on the following day…' (p152-153).
- 'Letter from the Galway County Council stating that the Estimates of the Union and Rural District Council will be reduced by £3,177 and £288 respectfully consequent of the stoppage by the Government of the Grants in aid of Local Taxation' (p155).
- ' Letter from An Dail Eireaan dated 11th October 1920 following on recent instructions ordering a complete severance of relations with the English Local Government Board, and requesting that the Medical Officers send their half-yearly Returns direct to this Department through the Clerk, and to no other Body' (p207).