Ballinasloe No. 1 Rural District Council: Minute Book
Volume of minutes of proceeding of Ballinasloe No.1 Rural District Council meetings. The minutes record attendance at meetings, generally held twice a month, and proceedings of Council business conducted under various legalisation, covering general, financial, sanitary (such as management of burial grounds, inspection of cow sheds, and human living conditions, water supply and sewers), and labourers’ housing (such as building and maintenance of cottages and rent collection) issues. The minutes record resolutions proposed and resolved or rejected by the Council. They also include details of correspondence received, generally from the Local Government Board and actions required thereafter. The proceedings of the Council acting as the ‘Sanitary Authority’ relate to health and sanitary conditions, such as the prevention of disease and the care and management of burial grounds, sewerage systems, and water supply. The proceedings under the ‘Labourers Acts’ relate to the provision and maintenance of labourers’ cottages.
Includes Index to main resolution topics.
Matters and issues discussed includes
- 'The Council unanimously adopted a resolution from the Antrim Rural District Council protesting against such matters as Public Health Administration, Hospital Control Etc., being centralised under the County Council's or any other new authority which may be established' (p111).
-' Read a letter from the Rev. D Coghlan, P.P. Aughrim requesting the Council, now that the War was over, to provide a new cemetery for the people of the parish…..' (p123)
- 'Resolved. That we, the members of Ballinasloe No.1 Rural District Council, having noticed for a long time that the prosperity of the town of Ballinasloe and surrounding districts is seriously handicapped for want of a suitable Sports Ground, strongly call on the Ballinasloe Agricultural and Hose Show Society to take immediate steps to extend, remodel and improve their Show Grounds so as to allow of football matches, hurling matches, sports, and other amusements being held therein. That we also call on al public bodies, irrespective of class, creed, or politics, to give their support in this just demand for the improvement, welfare, and prosperity of the town and district…' (p385).
- 'The Council had before them 180 applications for Cottages under the New Housing Scheme, when after a discussion the Clerk was directed to write to the several Committee's of the Council and ascertain from them where proposed sites are to be taken, the names of Owners and Occupiers of the lands, and when furnished with this information to summon Committees of the Council as done in the No. 10 Scheme, the Committee to have power to add the Local Clergy to their numbers.' (p519)
- 'Resolved / - That We, the No. 1. Rural District Council place on record our strong condemnation of the Congested Districts Board in the treatment to the Congested Tenants on the Comyn Estate, and we pledge our support to them in their endeavours to secure their lawful rights.' (p587, see also p621)