Ballinasloe Urban Council -Town Council / Planning Policy & Development/ Kilgarve Action Area Plan
Kilgarve Action Area Plan prepared b Brady Shipman Martin, 1976 for Ballinasloe Urban District Council
'The Ballinasloe Development Plan Reivew 1973, proposed that two action area plans be preaperd for those sections of the town where it was envisaged that major residnetial growth would occur int he future. The first of these plans, the Dunlow Action Area Plan, was completed in 1974 and addressed itself to the problem of outlining a planning framework for the development of residential community of some 1800 persons, involving the construction of 450 houses by both private and public agencies. The underlying strategy in the Dunlo plan was the creation of a large residential neighbourhood close to the core of the town, thus underpinning the commercial viability of the town centre.
The Kilgarve district, in contract to Dunlo, is situation in the Easter periphery of the town,....Over the past five years Kilgarve has become a major focus for plannign aplication for private housing development, and the Development Plan Review sought to rationalise the pattern of such applications and make efficient use of servies and infrastructure in te area by the preparetion of an Action Plan....'