Galway Poor Law Union, Board of Guardians Minutes, 1891
- ‘….Circular issued by the United States Government on the 3rd ultimo, with respect to immigration to that country. Enclosing a copy of the Circular referred to and requesting that when applicants are made to the Guardians to assist persons to emigrate to the United States by an expenditure of the Poor Rates, the Guardians shall carefully bear in mind the terms of the Circular, so that no assistance may be given to the emigration of persons belonging to any of the prohibited classes’ (p166).
- Letter from the Master, Athy, to the Board explaining how and why 18 names were removed from the Register, indicating ‘….a woman comes into the House and is registered in her married name. She is no sooner inside than she is known by her maiden name, and the name registered is no more heard of….And when these persons area a long time in the house, and confined to their beds or imbecile it is almost impossible to make out their names…’ (p194b).
- ‘I beg to hand in a passage ticket for three children at present in the workhouse named Adley. Their grandmother, Mary Flaherty, asks for clothes for them as she is not able to provide them herself.
Order. Emigration form for descriptive list to be filled up’ (p243).
- Defective arrangements for the disposal of drainage of the Fever Hospital, which ‘finds its way into an open ditch, and from thence discharges itself into watercourses in its neighbourhood’ (p597).