Galway Poor Law Union, Board of Guardians Minutes, 1879-1880
- ‘The Master reported that the Gas Company had cut off the supply of Gas from the Workhouse Hospital.
Ordered Master to provide a proper supply of lamps and oil for use in the Hospital (29 Aug 1879, p87).
- ‘The consideration of the appointment of a Registrar and Caretaker to the new Cemetery was taken up and it was
Resolved: To defer the appointment until the completion of the entire of the works now in progress’ (12 Sept 1879, p147).
- Letter from the Local Government board, stating ‘That they have before them the resolution of the Board of Guardians of 21st inst., in reply to the LGB’s letter relatives to the manner in which Mr Stack is discharging his duties as Clerk of the Union and stating that they cannot regard as satisfactory the manner in which this important matter has been dealt with. They will instruct their Inspector D Roughan to report to them on the present state of the Clerk’s accounts’ (28 Nov 1879, p427).
- ‘Ordered That the clerk notify to the Board of Works that it is the intention of the BG acting as the Burial Board, to apply to them for a loan of £1,000 in addition to £6,000 already granted, for the purposes of the new Cemetery for the town of Galway’ (5 Dec 1879, p459).
- ‘Mr Wm Acheson who was present laid on the table the plans, maps etc of the proposed Steam Tramway from Galway to Oughterard, and Clifden, stated that he had come specially to meet the Guardians for the purpose of conferring with them on the subject of the project…
….It is the opinion of the Board of Guardian that the Galway, Oughterard & Clifden Steam Tramway is a work which should be recommended for adoption by Baronial Session agreed to be held under the late Order’ (23 Jan 1879, p636).