Galway County Council / County Secretary's Office / Conveyance of Lunatics, 1920-22
Conveyance of Lunatics
Various letters claiming expenses for transferring patients (name and address often given) to Ballinasloe Asylum.
Includes 'Ballinasloe Asylum' Admission Certificate for one patient, which details name, address, date admitted, state of mental ('insane') and bodily ('Fair') health, recent marks or injuries on body ('bruise on left foot'), cleanliness of body ('Rash on body'), hair ('Verminous'), Cleanliness of Clothing ('Good').
Also includes letter from Dail Eireann, Local Government Department (12/12/1921) asking to be advised 'by whom the services of Mr Larkin were engaged for the purpose' for bringing a patient to Ballinasloe, they were subsequently advised that his 'services were engaged by Mr T P Killeen, County Councillor, and two Republican Police' (22/12/1921).