Hospitals and Medical Premises / Woodlands Sanatorium, Galway, 1940-1949
Bill of Varations for the erection of boiler house, chapel, dining room etc and reconstruction of central building at Woodlands Sanatorium for County Galway Public Health and Medical Assistance Deptartment (1946), in the sum of £15,299.2.8. (p138) and addenda to the Bill for extra works (1947), in the sum of £703.9.4. (p11). The contractor was John Canning, Barna, Galway.
Includes a Specification for new Nurses and Maids Home (June 1948) and set of colour drawings (numbered 1 - 6), signed and sealed by James Stewart Ltd. The drawings include First and Ground Floor Plans, Front and East Elevations, Section and Roof plans.
Also a Variation Bill of Quantities for two pavillons at the Sanatorium (1949) in the sum of £25,568.10.10 (p53).
Also includes drawing of existing Building and new Turf Store and Incinerator House (1940) (Scale 1" to 8 ft).
Documents were prepared by P.J. Sheahan, Architect, Limerick, and Quantity Surveyor Richard G Emerson, Taylor's Hill, Galway.