County Buildings - Fuel & Heating
County Buildings, Fuel & Heating:
File of material, primarily internal correspondence, relating to the heating of the building, such as orders for turf, and consideration given to use of coal instead of turf (1949-09-13); the difficult in procurring coal (1950-11-24); the need to improve heating in several offices, in particular the Accountant's and Typist's Offices, the cost of extra heating installations in those offices (1955); letter from the Irish Local Government Officials' Union regarding staff complaining 'of the inadequate heating, ....there was hardly any heat at all in the radiators...A number of the girls worked with their coats on....' (1956-10-26); consideration given to the provision of 12 infra red heaters, and deliveries of turf from Bord na Mona (for Mona Jet burners)(1959-01-20); County Manager's approval to install an automatic oil fire boiler at estimated cost of £1,100 (1965-11-17); and further complaints about -re-curring breakdowns in the central heating system' (1970-01-15).