Infrastructure (Bridges, Marine Works, Quarries) Design, Construction, Improvement & Maintenance
TeidealInfrastructure (Bridges, Marine Works, Quarries) Design, Construction, Improvement & Maintenance
StórGalway County Council Archives Services
Scóp agus Inneachar
Series of records relating to the activity of planning, designing, programming & constructing bridges, marine works (such as piers), pontoons, quarries, coastal protection, way-marked walks, and level crossings etc, improvement and maintenance works.
NótaíAvailable by appointment. Unrestricted access. The material in this collection is available to all bona fide researchers by appointment only, and subject to the conditions of access governing the consultation of archival material at Galway County Council Archives.
Coinníollacha a rialaíonn atáirgeadhNo material may be reproduced from this collection without the written permission of the archivist, and reproductions are subject to the conditions of access.