Road Workers, Creggs Road, Ballygar, Co. Galway
TeidealRoad Workers, Creggs Road, Ballygar, Co. Galway
StórGalway County Council Archives Services
Dátacirca 1930
Dáta táirgthe 1930
Scóp agus Inneachar
Digital copy of an informal group photograph [black and white] of road workers beside a stream-roller, two wheel-barrows and other tools and implements, on the Creggs Road in Ballygar, Co. Galway.
Depicted are 11 men, most are clean-shaven, wearing peaked caps, and waist costs with their shirt sleeves rolled up. One man, possibly a visiting engineer / ganger, is wearing a suit and hat with a watch chain. Two men are standing in the cabin of the steamroller, one with a wrench in his hands. Two are seating on a wheel-barrow to the fore of the photograph, and three others are behind them leaning against a stonewall.
The original photograph is obviously damaged with a piece missing in the centre, obliterating the face and upper body of one man.
Cur síos fisiciúilDigital copy of photograph
NótaíAvailable by appointment. Unrestricted access. The material in this collection is available to all bona fide researchers by appointment only, and subject to the conditions of access governing the consultation of archival material at Galway County Council Archives.
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